we need to fund the 58,000+ families  waiting for the Opportunity Scholarship.

Parents know what’s best for their own children, and economics should not be a stumbling block for families who want to escape failing public schools rife with indoctrination. The Opportunity Scholarship empowers parents to choose and afford the school which best fits their children, and enables the education funding to follow their child. We are thankful for the legislators who recognized the overwhelming popularity of school choice, however we need them to agree to a budget that funds it.

We need your help to get to the finish line. In particular, there are three items we need to ensure are present in the budget to help us protect parental rights and childhood innocence:

  1. Opportunity Scholarship funding for all students currently on the waiting list for the 2024-2025 school year.
  2. Language requiring that the Sex Education Standards be stayed because they are not in compliance with NC law.
  3. Language creating a statewide process to challenge obscene books in school libraries.

📢 Would you help us protect and empower families by using the tool below to contact members of your NC General Assembly right now? It only takes a minute or two, and it makes a big impact.

Dear Neighbor,

Would you help us by using our click-to-contact tool below to ask your legislators to pass a pro-family budget that funds the Opportunity Scholarship?

Dear Neighbor,

Would you help us by using our click-to-contact tool below to ask your legislators to pass a pro-family budget that funds the Opportunity Scholarship?