We’re thrilled to invite you to our annual Celebration of Carolina Values event on March 6th! This promises to be an unforgettable evening filled with delicious food, engaging conversations, an inspiring speaker, and an opportunity to learn more about the impactful work we’re doing at NC Values advancing your pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious freedom values.

This year, we are pleased and honored to have Rosaria Butterfield as our speaker. Rosaria is a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University who underwent a profound spiritual transformation, chronicled in her memoir, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert. Once a feminist academic and LGBTQ+ advocate, Rosaria converted to Christianity in 1999 after an unexpected friendship with a Reformed Presbyterian pastor and his wife.

Now married to Kent Butterfield, a pastor in North Carolina, she is an author, speaker, and mother, sharing her story and the transformative power of the Gospel. Most recently, she addressed Liberty University’s 2023 Convocation, highlighting her commitment to biblical truth, which we recommend you check out below.

If you haven’t yet read her books or had the chance to hear her speak, this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. It’s also an opportunity to stand alongside NC Values as we champion parental rights, protect life, and defend religious liberty. By attending, you’re not just hearing an amazing speaker—you’re joining a movement for values that matter.

If you would like the chance to hear from Rosaria, would you consider reserving your seat today by purchasing your ticket here? We also have sponsorship opportunities available (email [email protected] to learn more).

We can’t wait to see you and Rosaria on March 6th at Carmel Country Club!

Celebration of Carolina Values, Charlotte

April 24 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm