STATUS: Awaiting filing.Â
FAMILY act (Full Awareness about Medical Information to Love Youth Act)
North Carolina law denies parents the right to make medical decisions for their children, allowing minors to consent to treatment for STDs, pregnancy, substance abuse, and mental health issues—without parental involvement. This dangerous policy leaves parents powerless to protect their children and ensure they receive proper care.
Charlotte mother LaShanda Morrison saw this firsthand when a hospital refused to drug test her 12-year-old daughter, despite clear signs of intoxication, because state law placed medical decisions in the hands of the child. Children lack the maturity to navigate complex medical issues alone, yet parents are not only excluded from decision-making but also blocked from accessing their child’s medical records.
Parents have a fundamental right to care for their children and guide their healthcare decisions. It’s time to repeal NCGS 90-21.5(a) and restore parental rights in North Carolina.
 Click below to contact your legislators today and urge them to support this pro-values bill.Â
North Carolina law denies parents the right to make medical decisions for their children, allowing minors to consent to treatment for STDs, pregnancy, substance abuse, and mental health issues—without parental involvement. This dangerous policy leaves parents powerless to protect their children and ensure they receive proper care.
Charlotte mother LaShanda Morrison saw this firsthand when a hospital refused to drug test her 12-year-old daughter, despite clear signs of intoxication, because state law placed medical decisions in the hands of the child. Children lack the maturity to navigate complex medical issues alone, yet parents are not only excluded from decision-making but also blocked from accessing their child’s medical records.
Parents have a fundamental right to care for their children and guide their healthcare decisions. It’s time to repeal NCGS 90-21.5(a) and restore parental rights in North Carolina.
 Click below to contact your legislators today and urge them to support this pro-values bill.Â