NC Values Coalition has been making endorsements in political races since 2013. Â Endorsements should help accomplish the vision and mission of the NC Values Coalition. The Board votes on all endorsements. NC Values and its staff will never actively work against conservative candidates in a general election, but it may choose not to endorse a conservative candidate who does not meet the criteria. NC Values will occasionally take a position in a primary.
The following criteria are used when selecting political candidates for endorsement:
- Candidates who are running for re-election must have an 85 or above on our Legislative Scorecard.
- Candidates for General Assembly who are running for the first time must fill out the iVoterGuide survey and return it by the deadline.
- Candidates must exhibit high moral standards and ethical behavior.
- New candidates must meet with the Executive Director and Political Director and answer questions about their views on our legislative priorities and values.
- The policies held by candidates must be:
- Pro-life—To qualify, they must be in favor of limiting abortion at least by the time a heartbeat is detected and must be in favor of limiting abortion pill usage and limiting the exceptions to abortion.
- Pro-family—Candidates must believe that marriage is between one man and one woman and that a two-parent family with both a Mom and a Dad is the ideal environment in which children will grow, thrive, and flourish. Candidates who support gambling and medical marijuana are at a disadvantage.
- Pro-religious liberty—Candidates must support the First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
- Pro-parental rights—Candidates must oppose indoctrination in school, secret transitioning, advancing the LGBTQ+ agenda. Candidates must support parental rights in education and in healthcare.