Good news: the General Assembly has kept their promise to the 58,400 families waitlisted in the Opportunity Scholarship! On Monday, the Senate passed HB10, a measure that allocates funding to clear the Opportunity Scholarship waitlist, and earlier today the House joined them. The bill applies to students who applied for the Scholarship by March 1, 2024, and are enrolled by October 1, 2024. If tuition has been paid, parents will be reimbursed up to the scholarship amount.

We applaud the House and Senate’s decision to agree to increase funding for Opportunity Scholarships in response to the overwhelming number of applicants who are eager to send their children to successful schools of their choice. Indoctrination has taken priority over teaching basics like reading, math, history and science, and it shows in test scores. Parents are tired of their children being subjected to indoctrination with sexually explicit books such as Lawn Boy, Gender Queer, George, and impromptu CRT lectures. The freedom for parents to choose which school is best for their child, regardless of income, is one of our most basic liberties.

Parents know what’s best for their own children, and economics should not be a stumbling block for families who want to escape failing public schools rife with indoctrination. The Opportunity Scholarship empowers parents to choose and afford the school which best fits their child, and enables the education funding to follow their child.

As an organization, getting the pro-school choice Opportunity Scholarship passed and funded is something we have worked hard on for years. Whether it has been lobbying legislators directly, or equipping and asking thousands of you to contact your representative and legislative leaders, or the many other ways we have helped shape the public square, this is a victory we as a coalition should be especially grateful for.

If you appreciate the hard work we do advancing your values in our state, would you consider making a much needed one-time or monthly donation today to one of the hardest working conservative organizations in the state?


Tami & Team
NC Values