Welcome to the Friday Five! Every Friday we share our top five articles, stories, and quotes for you to read and share with your friends and church families.

We would be very grateful if you could make a donation of $100, $50, $25, or $10 today towards our work producing these Friday Fives and fighting for your values on the public square!

1. WRAL: Democrat switches parties, giving GOP veto-proof majority in NC House.

Earlier this week, news broke of the surprising decision made by a Democrat NC House member to switch parties. Effectively, this now gives Republicans a veto-proof majority. Since 2018, Republicans have been unable to override Governor Cooper’s veto, effectively blocking major legislation from passing. However, this explosive political story changes our state’s political landscape significantly.

Given the news, it’s easy to overlook another major story that greatly impacts our state: last week the NC House unveiled its $30 billion budget.

Read more: https://ncvalues.org/the-other-big-story/https://www.wral.com/story/democrat-switches-parties-giving-gop-veto-proof-majority-in-nc-house/20796429/

2. NC VALUES: Major pro-values legislation filed this week

This week, a number of important pro-values bills we have been working very hard on were filed in the NC House and Senate. These include the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” (HB 574 and SB 631); the “Youth Health Protection Act”(SB 639), and the “Medical Ethics Defense Act” (SB 641).

The “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” protects females from being forced to play against biological males on sports teams, which can leave females with injuries and cheats them out of equal opportunities. As for the “Youth Health Protection Act,” it prevents medical professionals from administering procedures including sterilization, mastectomies, castrations, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and other life-altering procedures and treatments on gender-confused children. Finally, the “Medical Ethics Defense Act” protects the conscience rights of medical professionals and entities from being forced to provide any health care service which violates their conscience.

These pieces of legislation are needed.

Read more: https://ncvalues.org/even-more-big-stories/

3. FOX NEWS: Emboldened by new supermajority, North Carolina Republicans go to work on transgender bills

“‘This bill would protect females from being forced to play against biological males on sports teams, which can leave females with injuries and cheats them out of equal opportunities,’ said NC Values Coalition Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald. The NC Values Coalition is a conservative group supporting the transgender bills. ‘Girls deserve a level playing field. Allowing males to compete in girls’ sports reverses nearly 50 years of advances for women. We can’t allow women to be benched from equal opportunities in sports,’ Fitzgerald said.”

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/emboldened-new-supermajority-north-carolina-republicans-work-transgender-bills

4. WRAL: Former UNC coach Sylvia Hatchell supports bill restricting transgender athletes

“WATCH: Former UNC woman’s basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell on Thursday voiced her support for a bill restricting transgender athletes.”

Read more: https://www.wral.com/former-unc-coach-sylvia-hatchell-supports-bill-restricting-transgender-athletes/20799728/

5. POLITICO: Florida Senate approves ban on transgender treatments for kids

“The Florida Senate on Tuesday signed off on a proposed ban on surgeries and prescription treatments for children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, expanding on new state health regulations pushed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.”

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/04/florida-senate-ban-transgender-treatments-kids-00090481


Weekly Prayer: Life

LORD, we recognize that you are Sovereign over all creation. We recognize you made man from the dust, and in your mercy, you crowned creation with man and woman made in your image. What a wonder it is that you would bestow upon us this blessing and responsibility!

LORD, may we not take this blessing for granted. We pray that this great responsibility and dignity may motivate us to love You, our neighbors, and our families more. LORD, may we as a culture truly see and believe that children are a blessing from the LORD—born or unborn; able or disabled. All children should have an opportunity to experience the liberty of life. LORD, make us your vehicle to change our culture into one that cherishes and protects life. Keep at the forefront of our minds our responsibilities to respect, cherish, and serve the youngest and oldest in our society.

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.'” (Matthew 18:1-6)



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Tami & Team
NC Values
