Last night, we had the distinguished honor to have joined our pro-values friends at the Carmel Club in Charlotte for a wonderful and refreshing night of celebrating the values that bring us into fellowship.

Here are some photos from the event:

Over the course of the night, we got to hear from NC Values executive director Tami Fitzgerald, who shared some of the important work our coalition is doing all across North Carolina to reach your neighbors and elected officials. We also got to hear from our good friend David Benham, and award with the Game Changer Award Congressman Dan Bishop for the hard work he’s doing in Congress representing our state and values. Our Celebration concluded with our keynote speaker, influential preacher and author Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr., who shared a fearless and passionate word about the indoctrination of our children in public schools and libraries with gender ideology and critical race theory and the need for parents and people everywhere to stand up and defend children.

Overall, the evening was a refreshing celebration of life, family, freedom, and you.

Our team at NC Values works very hard to make a real impact in our state. Truly, your support makes that possible. Whether it’s advancing legislation, equipping voters, organizing rallies, grading candidates, hosting workshops, placing ads, performing interviews, writing editorials, educating legislators, submitting amicus briefs, or the many other tasks our team performs throughout the year, we are an organization that makes the most of what we are given.

If you support our ongoing work fighting for a pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom North Carolina, would you consider making a monthly or one-time donation towards maintaining our momentum if you haven’t already?

In gratitude,

Tami & Team,
NC Values