(Time left to make a #GivingTuesday donation and take advantage of a matching grant that doubles your pro-life donation.)

Friend & Neighbor,

If you saw my email yesterday, you know that today is #GivingTuesday, but for NC Values, today is #GivingLifeTuesday.

Why? Because your support makes it possible for NC Values to proclaim Christ not only today, but every day of the year. Proclaiming Christ for us means standing for Christian values – including life, family, and freedom,  in the legislature, in the courts, and on the airwaves.

Ever since 2011, you have stood alongside me in the battle to protect marriage as between one man and one woman. This battle has continued to this day, with our most recent protection of marriage evidenced in our campaign to contact Sen. Burr and Tillis and urge them to vote against HR8404, the “Pathway to Polygamy” bill.

Today, with more than 100,000 Coalition members behind us and a battle-tested team, your voice is heard loud and clear when we:

  • Challenge the radical “woke” agenda in our schools
  • Vet and support pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom candidates and judges
  • Draft and promote pro-life and pro-family legislation and lobby hard for its passage
  • Educate and equip parents to effectively advocate for their children

♥️Friend, today, I’m asking you to stand with me once again with your generous support as we prepare for the critical battles ahead.

With your help, NC Values will prevent our state from becoming the abortion capitol of the Southeast, and reverse the trend of more abortions in our state; we’ll seize the opportunity to promote pro-family legislation now that we’ve secured both houses of the state legislature and the NC Supreme Court; and we’ll continue to lead the fight against the cultural decline that threatens the future of our country.

Will you consider a special pro-life #GivingLifeTuesday gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, or even $1,000 today? Whatever donation you make will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $15,000, doubling your impact and making this #GivingTuesday the launching point for our greatest victories for Christ in our lifetimes!

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your prayers. And God Bless you and your family.

In gratitude,

Tami & Team,
NC Values