Welcome to the Friday Five! Every Friday we share our top five articles, stories, and quotes for you to read and share with your friends and church families.

We would be very grateful if you could make a donation of $100, $50, $25, or $10 today towards our work producing these Friday Fives and fighting for your values on the public square!

1. TAMI’S OP-ED: Title IX was created to protect women. Biden’s radical change does the opposite.

“The Biden administration has turned on its head a 52-year-old civil rights law intended to advance equal opportunities for women and girls in education and sports. With the issuance of its 1,561-page-administrative rule on Title IX, the Biden administration has weaponized Title IX against women, the very injustice it was intended to right.”

Read more: https://www.carolinajournal.com/opinion/title-ix-was-created-to-protect-women-bidens-radical-change-does-the-opposite/

2. MARY’S OP-ED: LIFE SITE NEWS: North Carolina could become the South’s abortion capital after Florida’s heartbeat law takes effect

“North Carolina should buckle up. By all indications, due to Florida’s Supreme Court decision to uphold a law limiting abortion at six weeks of gestation, North Carolina is poised to become the 2024 abortion capital of the South. The Florida law went into effect on May 1, and after that date, North Carolina will see a notable increase in the number of women from out of state coming here to seek an abortion.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/north-carolina-south-abortion-capital-florida-heartbeat


3. VOTE: Don’t forget to go vote early today in the primary run-off

Early voting has been underway in North Carolina’s primary run-off elections for the Congressional District 13 and Lieutenant Governor races, and voting will culminate with Election Day next Tuesday, May 14th. This important run-off election traditionally has low-voter turnout, and we wanted to send a reminder about the significance of your vote as a conservative Christian.

Visit ncvalues.org/vote to learn more.

4. TAKE ACTION: NC Values Legislative Day of Action on May 15

We could use your help!

Our Legislative Day of Action is one of the opportunities we provide to help you share your voice directly with your representatives. This year, our legislative effort is focused on strengthening parental rights by: 1) removing obscene books in schools, 2) adding civil penalties for violation of SB49, and 3) restoring parental consent for all minors for medical care.

If those issues are important to you, would you consider joining us at our annual Legislative Day of Action on May 15th, 2024? We’ll be meeting at 10am in front of the Legislative Building (16 W Jones St., Raleigh, NC).

Check out the event below if you’re interested or would like to learn more.

Read more: https://facebook.com/events/s/parental-rights-legislative-da/809034777498450/?

5. YOU’RE INVITED: Join us for an evening in Wilmington with special guest Katy Faust

We wanted to reach out and invite you to an amazing event NC Values is hosting May 14th in Wilmington! Katy Faust, founder and president of “Them Before Us,” will be sitting down with Tami Fitzgerald to discuss our efforts to protect children’s innocence through proper legislation and policies in North Carolina and beyond!

We would love for you to be part of this evening of great food and even better conversation.

Katy is an established speaker and writer and has been published in Newsweek, USA Today, The Federalist, Public Discourse, WORLD Magazine, The Daily Signal, the Washington Examiner, the American Mind, and the American Conservative. She speaks widely on why marriage and family are matters of justice for children. Her book, Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City, details her philosophy of worldview transmission.

The event is at the Ohana Room at Waterman’s Brewing Company, May 14th, from 6:30 to 8 pm! Please RSVP at ncvalues.org/rsvp/ to let us know you’re coming! We also welcome any friends or family you may wish to bring!

We look forward to seeing you there!



Weekly Prayer: Family

LORD, we cry out to you as Father. You are a model of the love, mercy, and authority of the perfect parent. We thank you for modeling for us what every parent should strive for, and for creating this wonderful institution called family. 

LORD, we thank you for creating us with a basic nature designed to not be alone. You made us to desire the intimacy of relationships, and it is here where we experience joys indescribable: the joys of marriage, the joys of having children; the joys of seeing our children have children. What a blessing and mercy you gave us in the family! In it we find our first teachers, our first guardians, and our first authorities. 

LORD, we recognize how deeply you love your children, and how deeply it pains you when they go astray. Alongside our adoration and thanksgiving, we pray in confession—as individuals and as members of larger communities—over any sins we may have committed that undermine your beloved institution. Forgive us when we endanger your institution through selfishness and arrogance. Forgive our communities and nation for attempting to redefine some of the most basic and deepest parts of being human—being made male and female, having lifelong marriage vows and responsibilities, and having parental rights over educating one’s children. 

“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:12-17)



Will you chip in $100, $50, $25, or even $10 to help the NC Values Coalition continue to fight for your rights? You can donate by clicking here.

Tami & Team
NC Values
