Welcome to the Friday Five! Every Friday we share our top five articles, stories, and quotes for you to read and share with your friends and church families.

We would be very grateful if you could make a donation of $100, $50, $25, or $10 today towards our work producing these Friday Fives and fighting for your values on the public square!


1. NC VALUES: 🏛 U.S. Supreme Court win for life in Dobbs case and repeal of Roe v. Wade

Today is a major victory for unborn children and their mothers.

It is a day we have long prayed and worked for: Roe v. Wade is officially overturned. Let the magnitude of this moment sink in.

Praise the LORD!

Lives are now being protected in Mississippi and in other states around the country as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision. In North Carolina, our work is only beginning.


2. NC VALUES: 🏛 U.S. Supreme Court win for parents in school choice and religious liberty case

On Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court issued a big win for parents, for school choice, and for religious freedom.

The State of Maine offers a tuition assistance program to parents who live in a remote part of the state in school districts that are too small to have a high school. Under that program, parents designate the high school they would like their child to attend, and the school district transmits payments to that school to help defray the costs of tuition. Maine has limited tuition assistance payments to “nonsectarian” schools. Parents who sought tuition assistance to send their children to two different Christian schools sued the State of Maine because the ban on religious schools violated the Free Exercise clause and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The lower courts ruled against the parents.

The U.S. Supreme Court reversed the lower courts and agreed with parents.

Our sister organization, the Institute for Faith & Family filed an Amicus Brief in the Carson v. Makin case last September, because we understood that a ruling for religious freedom and school choice in the Maine case would have an impact on North Carolina’s school choice programs.



3. WWNY7: 🏛 U.S. Supreme Court win for NC Republican lawmakers in voter ID case

“The Supreme Court gave Republican legislative leaders in North Carolina a win Thursday in an ongoing fight over the state’s latest photo identification voting law.

The 8-1 decision doesn’t end the more than three-year dispute over the voter ID law, which is not currently in effect and has been challenged in both state and federal court. The decision just means that Republican legislative leaders can intervene in the federal lawsuit to defend the law. A lower court had ruled the lawmakers’ interests were already being adequately represented by the state’s attorney general, Democrat Josh Stein.

Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote that: ‘Through the General Assembly, the people of North Carolina have authorized the leaders of their legislature to defend duly enacted state statutes against constitutional challenge. Ordinarily, a federal court must respect that kind of sovereign choice, not assemble presumptions against it.’”


4. CAROLINA JOURNAL: Public support for a Parents’ Bill of Rights remains strong

“A new poll from WRAL/SurveyUSA shows that 58% of North Carolina adults support legislation that would ban instruction in sexual orientation or gender identity issues for students in kindergarten through third grade, with 45% strongly in favor. That provision is one of several contained in House Bill 755.

A recent Civitas poll put support for the Parents’ Bill of Rights as a whole at 57%, with 24% opposed.

Republicans say the bill is needed to protect children and ensure that parents know what their kids are being taught in public schools. Democrats, on the other hand, say the bill would discriminate against LBGTQ youth.

H.B. 755 only prohibits K-3 curriculum from containing instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity issues and still provides leeway for discussions if the topics come up naturally.”

5. NATIONAL REVIEW: The Fall of the Wall around Religious Education

“If the past two years have taught us anything as a society, it is that American schoolchildren should not be held hostage by a public-education monopoly that is unable to keep schools open, safe, competent, or free of indoctrination in left-wing fads and anti-American lies. Many of the parents voting with their feet to take their children out of public schools have an additional urgent interest on their minds: They want their children schooled in their faith, and in the values informed by their faith.”



LORD, we worship a mighty God who has the power to change hearts and minds. We lean on you as we continue to fight for the values we hold dear. Give our leaders Your wisdom—and courage to live it out. Give your wisdom to the leaders of our towns, cities, counties, states, and country. 

LORD, we pray for the safety of our Supreme Court’s justices. We pray for their protection against those who would do them harm for worldly gain. We pray for the justices courage, conviction, and decisions. 

LORD, our joy at the repeal of Roe is beyond words. How much of our lives have been spent laboring for this day? You are good to us, LORD. You are good, and worthy of all our praise.

Thank you.



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North Carolina Values Coalition
