Today, Governor Cooper dipped his pen in the veto ink again to defy the will of North Carolinians. And not once, but thrice.

Rather than side with women, children, families, and fairness, the Governor chose to veto our “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” “Parents Bill of Rights,” and “Gender Transition/Minors” bill.

North Carolinians are fed up with government schools and so-called medical professionals who advance the transgender agenda to the detriment of children. Children are being indoctrinated in schools, girls are being denied a level playing field in sports, and minors are being chemically and surgically castrated to advance a dangerous LGBTQ agenda that the majority of the public does not support.

Instead of siding with 70% of North Carolinians on protecting women’s sports from biological males stealing their opportunities, or with the 80% calling for transparency in schools, or shielding children from medical activists, Governor Cooper has sided with the small, but loud radical left.

If you agree, would you join us in contacting your state legislators, and asking them to vote to OVERRIDE Governor Cooper’s VETO? With our time-saving tool, it will only take you a minute or two:

  1. Ask Legislators to override “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” veto.
  2. Ask Legislators to override “Parents Bill of Rights” veto.
  3. Ask Legislators to override “Gender Transition/Minors” veto.

Your legislators are getting an earful from LGBT activists from across the country for making a bold stance on our pro-values issues. They need our support, as well as our encouragement, to override the Governor’s veto. Would you consider clicking the three links above to thank and contact your legislators today?

Thank you very much!


Tami & Team,
NC Values

PS: If you support the hard work we do all year long fighting for your values and getting legislation like this passed, would you consider maximizing our impact by making a one-time or monthly donation today?