As most of you know, the State House and Senate passed bill SB20 to stop abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy in North Carolina (previous law allowed up until 20 weeks).

This past Saturday, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed the bill.

Tomorrow, starting at 4pm, the Senate will meet to override the veto. After the Senate has finished this process, the House will meet to override the veto. This may be a long night, but our legislators need your support!

Would you consider going to Raleigh tomorrow to sit in the balcony and support our Republican Legislators who are about to override the governor’s veto? They will greatly appreciate your support, and need as many pro-lifers there as possible! 

During the initial passing of the bill, the pro-abortion opposition mobilized very quickly and flooded the legislature as a very intimidating force. Let’s show our lawmakers, who are bravely standing for women and babies, the support they need tomorrow.

  • Where: Legislative Building 3rd floor (16 W Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27601)
  • When: 4pm (We recommend you try to get there around 3pm if you want to be able to get in the room; let’s fill the gallery with pro-lifer’s instead of allowing the pro-abortion groups to dominate).
  • What to Bring: If you can wear a pro-life t-shirt or bring a small sign to hold up in support of SB20, that would be great. Parliamentary procedure is very quiet, so they do not allow cheering and clapping, but you can visually show your support!

If you can’t make it tomorrow, we could still use your help. Your legislators need to hear from you before NOON! Would you please consider taking a minute to contact your legislator using this tool, and encourage them to override Gov. Cooper’s expected veto?

If you have any questions, Please feel free to email me, at [email protected].


Courtney Geels
Grassroots Director, NC Values