(Time left in the year to make a needed pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom donation to NC Values.)

Dear Neighbor,

After the joy and excitement of Christmas, sometimes stepping back into the “reality” of our working lives and the 24-hour news cycle can be a little jarring.

Questions that I never thought I’d be asking fill my mind. For instance:

  • How can it be that we have a President who wants taxpayer funding of sex-change operations for children?
  • How can it be that our Republican US Senator Thom Tillis, who just a decade ago supported a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in NC, supported a bill that enshrines gay marriage in federal law?
  • How can it be that you and I actually have to (ever) make the argument that it is wrong to kill a child, just because he hasn’t been born yet?
    • How can it be that one of the oldest and most revered institutions of learning on earth – Cambridge University – would abandon reason and logic to alter the definition of the words “man” and “woman” in their dictionary to include people who identify as a gender other than their biological sex?

Our culture and politics have become so bizarre and unnerving that it’s like we’re living in an alternate dimension…

But at home during Christmas, everything makes sense. Christ is at the center of our lives, and we can rest our hearts and minds in the peace that only He can provide.

Now you and I – re-energized by the flood of grace we received at Christmas – can continue the fight for Biblical values in our public policy.

Faith, Family, and Freedom are what made our country great, and these are the values that most North Carolinians hold dear.  The end of 2022 is very near, and if we are going to win the victories for life, marriage, and parental rights in education we hope for next year, I need your help.

Will you stand with me once again and make your most generous gift to the NC Values Coalition?

Any gift you give will help us meet our 2022 fundraising goal and will ensure that we’ve got the resources we need to advance conservative, Biblical values in the legislature, in the courts, and over the airwaves next year.

Thank you for your partnership and support – Happy New year!


Tami & Team,
NC Values