PR: NC Values Endorsed Theresa Knight for election to the Mooresville Graded School District
October 6, 2023
Contact: Laura Macklem
[email protected]
North Carolina Values Coalition endorsed Theresa Knight for election to the Mooresville Graded School District.
“We are excited about Theresa Knight’s candidacy to the Mooresville Graded School District because we believe she will put quality, unbiased education first and honor parental rights,” said NC Values Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald. “At a time when school boards across North Carolina are putting political agendas over education, we need to pay attention to school board races and make informed, careful decisions about candidates. NC Values enthusiastically endorses Theresa Knight.”
Because of the significance public education has on future generations and how it’s shaping ideas and values of our culture, NC Values started endorsing school board candidates last year, held school board candidate trainings and Mama Bear Workshops. This August NC Values held Mama Bear workshops in Hickory and Greensboro to teach the public about indoctrination in schools, school choice, and parental rights. NC Values also partners with iVoterGuide, a digital voting guide which provides voters a detailed candidate survey and ratings. This year iVoterGuide is evaluating Mooresville Graded School District, Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District, and Roanoke Rapids School District.
“Our culture is being shaped by the activism in public education, and social conservatives and Christians have a duty to pay attention to their local school boards. NC Values will be endorsing heavily in the 2024 school board elections. We look forward to Theresa Knight being elected to the Mooresville Graded School District this November and encourage our supporters in Iredell County to give her their full support.”

PR: NC Values supports bills protecting minors from obscenity and providing restitution for victims
September 22, 2023
Contact: Laura Macklem
[email protected]
NC Values Coalition Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald praised the passage of both HB 8 and SB 579:
“North Carolina has made significant steps to protect minors from pornography and other obscene material with passage of HB 8 and SB 579, and we encourage Governor Cooper to sign these bipartisan bills which received almost unanimous support. Children are easy targets for sexual predators, and this legislation allows victims to seek legal and financial restitution from those pushing porn to children and will serve as a deterrent.
“Senator Amy Galey introduced her amendment to HB 8, Pornography Age Verification Enforcement Act, which requires commercial pornography websites to verify the user is 18 years of age or older before allowing access to the site. The bill prohibits commercial entities from publishing or distributing obscenity to minors online, protecting young minds from violent, explicit images which could result in internet addiction, normalization of sexual harm and aggression towards women. Similar legislation in Louisiana has resulted in a reduction in Pornhub’s site traffic by 80%, and in Utah, Mississippi, and Virginia Pornhub has stopped their business entirely because of laws similar to HB 8.
“Prevent Harm to Children, SB 579 sponsored by Senator Buck Newton and promoted by Representative Jeff Zenger, will also strengthen protections for children by increasing criminal penalties for disseminating obscenity to minors, affording victims restitution for the full amount of the victim’s losses, including medical services, physical and occupational therapy or rehabilitation, transportation, temporary housing, and child care expenses, loss of income, and attorney’s fees.
“Senators Galey and Newton, and Representative Zenger have led the charge to protect our children from sexual predators. Their bold actions will save millions of children across our state from obscenity and pornography, as well as providing full restitution for victims. NC Values appreciates all the lawmakers who supported both HB 8 and SB 579, and we will continue to help further legislation to protect children from pornography and obscenity, which lead to sexual grooming and a lifetime of addiction.”
PR: Funding for pregnancy care centers in state budget will help women choose life
September 22, 2023
Contact: Laura Macklem
[email protected]
The General Assembly approved $17.15 million today to help pregnant women in crisis, including $12.5 million for the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship (CPCF), an organization which provides support to 75 pregnancy care centers in North Carolina. The CPCF funding will benefit pregnant women who need free ultrasounds, supplies, shelter, counseling and other resources.
“Pregnancy care centers are a vital resource supporting pregnant women and their babies. Seventy-six percent of women who had abortions say they would have chosen life if their situations were different, and this funding totaling $6.8 million per year will help women choose life,” said NC Values Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald. “The ability to see your child on an ultrasound before making a life and death decision for your child is imperative, so funding ultrasound machines was an important component of this appropriation.”
Pregnancy care centers provide supplies to pregnant women and new mothers in need, including diapers, maternity clothes and important medical services like ultrasounds, pregnancy and STD testing. CPCF also has a Circle of Care program, which supports pregnant women in need of funds for car repairs, housing, groceries, and other essential living expenses for a healthy start for mother and baby. Besides advocating for pregnancy care center funding, NC Values also supported funding for The Human Coalition, a pro-life advocacy group serving abortion-determined women. The organization received $1.5 million in the state budget. Another $3.15 million was appropriated to individual pregnancy care centers as well.
“We are thankful the General Assembly not only passed pro-life legislation this session to save the lives of thousands of unborn babies from death but for funding pregnancy care centers so that more women feel confident and equipped to choose life,” said Fitzgerald. “As pro-life advocates, NC Values will continue to advocate for the unborn, pregnant women, and their babies once they are born.”