PR: Supreme Court decision upholds religious freedom in 303 Creative vs. Elenis
June 30, 2023
Contact: Laura Macklem
[email protected]
NC Values sister organization filed Amicus Brief in favor of Christian designer
The Supreme Court handed down a major victory for religious freedom in the 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, case siding with Colorado graphic designer Lorie Smith who was seeking injunctive relief before expanding her business to create wedding websites. The devout Christian asserted Colorado’s law would compel her to engage in speech contrary her religious beliefs by forcing her to create wedding websites for same-sex couples. NC Values’ sister organization, Institute for Faith and Family (IFF), filed an Amicus Brief on behalf of Smith.
“Free speech is for everyone. No one should be forced to say something they don’t believe. Every American should be free to say what they believe without fear of government punishment. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of free speech, holding that Colorado cannot punish graphic designer Lorie Smith for creating custom art consistent with her beliefs,” said NC Values Coalition Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald.
“This win for Lorie is a win for all Americans and a significant win for free speech. The First Amendment prevents the government from forcing Americans to say things they don’t believe, and the Supreme Court rightly ruled that Colorado cannot force this website designer to express a message inconsistent with her beliefs or misuse the law to coerce or silence her speech. The Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act does just the opposite of its title—it discriminates against people who have deeply held religious beliefs. Freedom to speak is a fundamental right inherent in a free society. The government has no right to compel speech and an individual has the right to speak his mind regardless of what the government’s opinion is of that speech.”
IFF also filed briefs in the Masterpiece Cakeshop, LTD V. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and in Arlene’s Flowers Inc V. Washington in support of creators who were contesting their state’s demands to violate their religious beliefs by forcing them to engage in expression of beliefs contrary to their own.
“The NC Values Coalition is hopeful other creators like Jack Phillips will have their rights restored after today’s decision to allow people of faith and conscience to conduct their businesses without the threat of being political targets of the radical left which seeks to destroy those who believe differently,” said Fitzgerald.
PR: General Assembly upholds parental rights passing SB 49
June 28, 2023
Contact: Laura Macklem
[email protected]
NC Values Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald made a statement today regarding the passage of SB 49, “Parents Bill of Rights” in the General Assembly:
“Parental rights form the brick and mortar of the wall protecting the family from government intrusion, and since 1923 the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized parents’ rights as fundamental. Recent polling shows 80.8% believe parents should have access to curriculum, materials and resources being used in their child’s classroom and 71% believe they should play a significant role in the curriculum development process. At least 26 states have taken action to support the rights of parents, and it is time for North Carolina to stand up and do the same.
“Parents are fed up with public schools and healthcare professionals counteracting their values, hiding critical information about their children, encouraging their children to adopt identities and lifestyles that are harmful, using obscene books and materials in the classroom, teaching LGBT ideologies and how-to’s to their children, and hiding and encouraging their children to consent to medical treatments that should be solely their responsibility. The Parents Bill of Rights is a good first step to addressing some of these problems. I urge Governor Cooper to put parents and children before politics, and swiftly sign SB 49 into law.”
PR: Bill shielding minors from medicalized transitioning approved by General Assembly
June 28, 2023
Contact: Laura Macklem
[email protected]
NC Values Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald made a statement today regarding the passage of the “HB 808” in the General Assembly which would protect minors from surgical and chemical castration:
“HB 808 is compassionate legislation, giving minors the benefit of becoming an adult before making life-altering, irreversible changes to their bodies just to make them appear more like the opposite sex. Gender confused minors across North Carolina have been lured by medical and trans activists into believing the lie that body mutilation and damaging their development with off-label cancer drugs and cross sex hormones is the cure for their mental health issues. The science shows that suicide increases by over 40% after medical transitioning, proving that it doesn’t work. Widely accepted studies show that 85% of gender confused minors who are not medically transitioned desist from their dysphoria, yet the gender transitioning industry continues to line its pockets to fuel this billion-dollar child abuse industry.
We have worked with de-transitioners and the parents of children who have transitioned, and we have been touched by their stories of regret and suffering. We are thankful to be part of this effort to shield children from permanent suffering caused by gender transitioning, and we urge Governor Cooper to choose children over activists.”