Last week, Governor Cooper vetoed the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” the “Parents Bill of Rights,” and the “Gender Transition/Minors” bill. All three are needed to protect parents, women, children, and fairness in our state.

Since the announced veto, the media has been in a frenzy to push often one-sided stories on the issues. In addition, our legislators have become the targets of LGBTQIA2S+ activists from across the country.

We need legislators to listen to women like Payton and Prisha, whose first-hand stories in North Carolina demonstrate why these pro-values bills are needed. Since the announced veto, we have been calling on our coalition to click-to-contact their legislators and encourage them to vote to OVERRIDE Governor Cooper’s vetoes.

The “Fairness in Women’s Sports” and “Gender Transition/Minors” bills were scheduled for a veto override vote today in the House, but they have been postponed until next Wednesday, July 19th.  We are working hard, along with praying, to ensure that legislators will hold to that schedule and override Governor Cooper’s veto of all three bills as soon as possible, so these important bills can become law.

While the vote is not going to take place this week, we will be working hard on a veto override now scheduled for next Wednesday, July 19th.

Would you join us in standing watch, by clicking to contact your legislators and letting them know you would like them to vote to OVERRIDE Governor Cooper’s vetoes?

(Ask Legislators to override “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” veto.)

(Ask Legislators to override “Parents Bill of Rights” veto.)

(Ask Legislators to override “Gender Transition/Minors” veto.)

Thank you very much!


Tami & Team,
NC Values

PS: If you support the hard work we do all year long fighting for your values and getting legislation like these bills passed, would you consider making a one-time or monthly donation today?